Nightmare (Short)

Dark Heart Anthology: Author Spotlight

Posted by on Jan 11, 2013 in Nightmare, Updates | Comments Off on Dark Heart Anthology: Author Spotlight

Dark Heart Anthology: Author Spotlight

Somehow, having your name and picture and biography up on the official anthology blog makes it all the more real! Go check out our author spotlight and check out the other amazing authors in this anthology! We are so very excited to be a part of it!!

Check out our Author Spotlight page!

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“Nightmare” has been accepted into the Dark Heart Anthology!

Posted by on Dec 29, 2012 in Nightmare, Updates | Comments Off on “Nightmare” has been accepted into the Dark Heart Anthology!

“Nightmare” has been accepted into the Dark Heart Anthology!

We have very exciting news!  Our short story, “Nightmare” has been accepted into the Dark Heart Anthology, published by Little Bird Publishing House!  This means that, officially, Marya and Bethany will be published authors!  The fact that we got accepted not only means that all of our hard work is worth something, but that other people like our stories and writing style too!   Keep an eye out for more exciting news on this anthology and where you can find it!

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Welcome to Marya-Beth!

Posted by on Oct 2, 2012 in Bound, Nightmare | Comments Off on Welcome to Marya-Beth!

Welcome to Marya-Beth!

Welcome to! Bethany and Marya are both long time writers, but first time Authors. Our shared love of the written word brought us together many years ago and from the very start it seemed as though we had been friends since birth. We both do our writing on the side as Bethany is a full time software engineer and Marya is a full time Momma to two wonderful little boys and a book cover designer with Strong Image Editing.

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